About the Shag Harbour UFO XPO & the Incident Society

The Shag Harbour UFO XPO is an annual event that brings UFO experts and eyewitnesses together to share their observations and the latest theories and research about unidentified flying objects. The XPO usually includes a presentation or two regarding the events & legacy of the 1967 Shag Harbour Incident. Other presentations are given by recognized UFO researchers on all aspects of the UFO phenomena. The 1967 Shag Harbour Incident is generally regarded as Canada’s most famous and important UFO case.

The event is organized and promoted through the Shag Harbour UFO Incident Society, a registered non-profit group since 2006, dedicated to the collection and promotion of the history associated with the October 04, 1967 UFO mystery, where multiple witnesses, including 3 RCMP officers, saw a 60 foot in diameter UFO, with flashing lights, splash down into the waters of Shag Harbour. There were no missing aircraft and an extensive military search could not resolve the case, which remains open and unsolved.

Since early 2009, the Shag Harbour Incident Society maintains a museum on Highway # 3, in the village of Shag Harbour. It serves as a repository for documents, stories & artifacts associated with this enduring Canadian mystery. Books, clothing and souvenirs are available for purchase throughout the summer season.

Shag Harbour Incident Museum
Shag Harbour Incident Museum

Come visit the museum to see our collection of documents and artifacts.

The 2025 event, scheduled for weekend of October 3rd to 5th, the Shag Harbour Incident Society will present a truly international UFO symposium in Yarmouth, NS, at the Rodd Grand Hotel. It will feature noted UFO researchers from across North America presenting their latest findings. There will also be a motor coach tour to known UFO sites of interest. Paid attendees can even win prizes.

Shag Harbour UFO Coin from Royal Canadian Mint. Photo Credit: Royal Canadian Mint
Shag Harbour UFO Coin from Royal Canadian Mint. Photo Credit: Royal Canadian Mint

Did You Know?

In 2019 the Royal Canadian Mint issued a limited edition glow-in-the-dark UFO XPO silver coin.  Learn more about this unique coin.